Event Summary

The Polls

During the conference we were able to engage our audience through some polls. Through these polls we learned:

  • 60% of our attendees were at the conference for the first time and 6% had attended every one of the seven Lean Healthcare Academic Conferences.
  • There conference attracted a diverse group of professionals. This is how the attendees described their roles:



  • We asked attendees what they were most excited about at the beginning of the conference – here are some of the responses.
    • Social
      • Networking and laughing
      • Seeing people in person
      • Being with my improvement family
      • Being with my team
      • Learning how to engage physicians in the improvement process
      • Connecting
      • Connecting with others eager to make change
    • Technical
      • Seeing lean in action across other networks
      • Learning about improvement across the world – especially during the pandemic
      • learning strong practices
      • Learning how others are developing improvement capability
      • Seeing examples of real, sustained improvement for patients
      • Learning about lean principles and how better to serve my community
      • Learning new interventions to improve infection outcomes
      • Poster presentations
    • Personal
      • Learning and having time away to think
      • Learning and networking – not sitting at my desk
      • Asking questions
      • Get motivated
      • Be inspired


At the end of each day, attendees provided their take-aways.  Here are some of those reflections

Day One

  • Include healthcare equity and justice in all improvement efforts
  • Can’t achieve quality without health equity
  • Lean is a philosophy – not a tool kit.
  • Start with guiding principles
  • Listen more
  • Advice stops the conversation
  • The double helix – intertwining and integration between social and technical elements of improvement
  • Everyone is facing similar opportunities
  • Don’t be afraid to fail
  • Lean thinking is essential in healthcare
  • Just keep working on doing better
  • Lean is worldwide and changing lives every day.
  • We can learn so much from each other

Day Two

  • The DNA of change – the double helix that cant be uncoupled is the technical and social components
  • Consciously addressing the social and the technical
  • Building relationships is key and it is as much my responsibility as anyone else’s.
  • Meeting people where they are – not where I think they should go
  • We can’t always measure what is important to us.
  • Look at patient flow through an equity lens
  • Involve patients in improvement efforts.
  • Proud of the improvement work we have done and the people we have developed.

Event Feedback

At the end of the event a survey was posted including the following feedback.

Which speaker / session stood out for you

  • Leilani’s opening presentation had a lasting impact on me.
  • All speakers from other countries. It was intriguing to see that although we have different environments a lot of the issues and learnings are the same/ applicable
  • Adding value break out session was really informative and great. Really liked Deidre and Jakes presentation was very well told.
  • Equity panel (the one with Rebecca Kameny) and the panel with the CMOs.
  • They all brought something different to the table and actually kept me quite engaged.

Was the conference worth your time?

  • Absolutely! 1st face to face conference since covid. Lean management always brings joy in my very stressful job! Learning from leaders and sharing our practices has reinvigorated me!
  • Absolutely worth of my time. I really learned a lot as a first timer!

Your Ideas for Improvement

  • More movement… it was a little rough sitting through the back-to-back presentation in the main room.
  • More time in between to go to other breakout sessions
  • Add extra day to be able to attend other speakers

Net Promotor Score for the conference was +67.

63% responded that the event ‘exceeded expectations’.